Would you like to earn additional revenue from your existing parking lot, property, or business location???
Leasing Benefits for Vending Opportunities:
- No out of pocket costs.
- Guaranteed Income.
- Be the first in your area to offer something NEW!
- Increased traffic flow to your business.
- Increased awareness of your business or property.
Kooler Ice and our owner/investors are looking for properties all over the country where we can place ice vending machines – and you may have the perfect location!
Even if you don’t want to invest, having a Kooler Ice machine located at your property is an excellent way to increase your traffic flow and visibility with consumers, while providing you with an additional revenue stream. Someone else will own and operate the machine, and you will collect the check and reap the benefits of this great vending opportunity!
If you are interested in learning more about leasing your property, please fill out the below form and we will contact you soon to determine your sites viability for a Kooler Ice vending machine!