The Kooler BLOG
Learn more about product features, site selection, financing, marketing, the ice vending industry, and Kooler Ice owners.

In Ice Vending – Electronics Matter
In Ice Vending, uptime is critical, and you want your machine to run non-stop, 24/7 – 365.

Does your Ice Vending Machine Have the Proper Certifications?
Before investing in an ice and water vending machine, it is important to investigate and understand what certifications, if any, the product you are buying has gone through.

Financing Options for Kooler Ice Equipment
Investing in a Kooler Ice Machine can add a significant new income stream. The good news is that plenty of financing options are available to make this investment more...

The Type of Frame Your Ice Vending Machine Has Will Determine How Long Your Machine Will Last!
While you might not be thinking about the resale value of your ice vending machine now or focused on updating the machine in 10-15 years with new features or components, the decisions you make today will have a big impact on these two issues down the road.

Top Five Key Product Features Required in an Ice Vending Machine
The ice vending industry is like most other industries …You get what you pay for! To ensure the success of your machine, you must do your homework and purchase a...